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Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics: August New Releases

Guess what's heading your way next month? A super eclectic mix of pre-orders that's gonna blow your mind! We're talking about some epic new stuff for Dystopian Wars and Warcradle Scenics.

First up, the Union is coming in strong with the Independence Battlefleet Set. They're all about proving their might and never being downtrodden again. Freedom is the name of the game, and they won't accept anything less than victory. Brace yourselves for an intense fight as they defend their territory with some serious gumption, dominating both the seas and skies.

The Empire is also launching their aerial armaments with the Empire Sky Bastion Squadrons. They're all about reinforcing the Zhanmadao Battlefleet and taking to the skies. Empire players, get ready to amp up your fleets with these awesome aerial units.

Now, let's talk about Warcradle Scenics. They're bringing you the Normandy Farm set - a war-torn farm that's gonna add some serious realism and detail to your historical wargames, like Bolt Action. Picture soldiers holding their ground and fighting off assaults in this last bastion. You can build it as a countryside farm ready for defense or a war-ravaged marker, setting the perfect backdrop for your epic battles.

So, get pumped for all this greatness coming your way! Mark your calendars for the end of August 2023 and get those pre-orders in! It's gonna be an awesome month for gaming!

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