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Community Content Roundup: Tutorials, Battle Reports & Cunning Crafts!


Hey there tabletop gamers! Our friends and affiliates have produced some amazing content over the past month or so, and we've hand-picked the latest and greatest to wave around enthusiastically in front of your adoring eyeballs. But take care - these contents are HOT!

Elstonation: How to paint 1000's of minis every year

Elston's YouTube channel is a wonderfully eclectic mix of hobby tips, painting guides and personal vlog, covering all things Games Workshop and beyond. In his latest video, Elston gives practical advice on painting massive quantities of miniatures.


Mordian Glory: Custodes Vs Astra Militarum! - Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report!

If you're an Astra Militarum fan and you haven't checked out Mordian Glory's channel yet - where have you been? The channel is a fantastic mix of in-depth tactical advice and entertaining, well-shot battle reports... like this latest one right here!

Warhipster: Contrast+ How to Paint: 31st Harakoni Warhawks

Warhipster produces so many incredible painting guides at such an unbelievable rate that it was hard for us to pick just one! We've gone with this great guide that showcases a different look for the new Cadian miniatures, but you should check out the rest too - you're bound to find something useful.

Age of Miniatures: How to Make a Miniature Diorama (and Win a Golden Demon Pin)

We're willing to bet you've never seen anything quite like this bind-bending diorama created by Niall and featured in this wonderfully detailed article over at Age of Miniatures. Niall takes you step by step through his process with lots of pictures, and it's well worth reading from start to finish.

Tabletop Games UK: Cadia Stands: Astra Militarum Army Box Review

We've already featured the Astra Militarum twice in this roundup (so hot right now!) and we make no apologies for doing it again, because Darren over at Tabletop Games UK has written a superb in-depth review. If you're looking for a balanced look at what's in the box, this here's the place to find it.

The Remembrancer: IGNIS - Restless Fury - #Shorts | Warhammer 40k Lore

There are lots of Warhammer 40K lore channels out there, but The Remembrancer is pretty unique for its evocative and immersive presentation style. His latest short takes a fascinating look at one of the Blood Angels' most famed dreadnoughts. Just click play and let the audiovisual glory wash over you.

Tale of Painters: Showcase: Great Unclean One (inc. painting guides)

Tale of Painters is an incredible hobby website that needs no introduction. In a new article hot off the presses, community legend Garfy showcases his gorgeous Great Unclean One, and provides some fantastic painting tips that will help you get similar results with your own miniatures.

Hobby Jackal: New Warcry App! Is it for you?

If you love all things fantasy-related in the Games Workshop multiverse then you'll get a kick out of Hobby Jackal's content, which touches on pretty much all of it but with a particular focus on Warcry. In this latest video David takes a deep dive into the new Warcry Warband Builder app.

Tier Three Podcast - A Blood Bowl Podcast

When the guys at Tier Three post a new podcast episode, you know you're in for a fun time! If you're a Bloodbowl Fan and you haven't checked them out yet then you're missing out. Their newest episode and complete back catalogue can be found on Spotify.

The Brush and Boltgun: How to paint Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron

Another prolific creator of amazing painting guides, The Brush and Boltgun has been focused on Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game recently, but has painting tutorials for all kinds of miniatures, from Space Marines to Stormcast Eternals to Soviet tanks. This tutorial for Gothmog from the Battle of Osgiliath box is one of our recent favourites.

Crooked Staff Terrain: Tips & Tricks #21 : Another mini-dungeon in a box (dnd terrain)

And now for something completely different! Crooked Staff Terrain creates absolutely stunning scenery for use in tabletop roleplaying games, but his results are achievable by pretty much anyone thanks to these clever and detailed guides. This one sees a delivery box transformed into a pop-up mini-dungeon. It's genuinely amazing!

Dylan's Blog: Firestorming…

Here's one that hits close to home in the best possible way! In his latest blog article, Dylan reports on his experience at an X-Wing tournament, which took place right here at Firestorm Games Cardiff. You can tell that Dylan and all the other great players we meet over the course of his battle reports had the best time, and we look forward to seeing them all again soon!

Sounds of Battle Tabletop Media: Ep.27: Building a Bolt Action Community with Pegasus Warlords

And finally - check out Sounds of Battle Tabletop Media over on YouTube, where The Bearded Wargamer shares all kinds of insights, opinions and anecdotes about a whole range of great games. This latest episode focuses on building a community around the ever-popular Bolt Action.


What an incredible bunch of talented hobbyists and content creators, right?! Hopefully you've discovered something new that you love.

We'll be back next month with more Flamin' Hot Content! In the meantime, if you'd like your website, channel or podcast to be featured, head over to the Firestorm Games Affiliate Program page and sign up.

Until next time - stay toasty!

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